Our Country Deserves Better PAC has produced several television and web ads highlighting Barack Obama and the Democrats’ dangerous liberal policies and the need for strong conservative values.
- “Tea Party Express National Tour”;
- “Oppose ObamaCare”;
- “It’s Not Iran, It’s Obama’s Administration”;
- “Defeat Specter, Elect Toomey!”;
- “Help Us Defeat Harry Reid”;
- “Defeat Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats”;
- “Can’t Trust Scott Murphy on Taxes”;
- “Can’t Trust Scott Murphy on Military Affairs”;
- “Not the Change Obama Promised”;
- “Thank You Sarah Palin”;
- “Dictators Mock Obama’s Ignorance”;
- “Sarah’s a Fighter”;
- “Hillary Clinton Rips Apart Obama”;
- “Obama’s Wrong Values”;
- “Obama’s Liberal Policies Are Wrong”.